24 November, 2006
Canvas for Light - Creating positive and negative spaces through making solids and voids
22 November, 2006
Canvas for Light - Creating positive and negative spaces through making solids and voids
The meterial poly is the whole new media for me in this case. At first, I choose the wax to represent the translucency, but the fluid material can not display the sharp boundary and the angle. So poly could be the adaptable meterial for me to create an alternate space. This series of models emphasis on the realatonships between the three pyramids which have different size, composed of the different types of surface and line through the interlock, apposition and independence.
(Including my and meiahang's poly model.)
上面發瘋的寫了英文,不過灌注poly的辛酸血淚史還是得來敘述一下。首先忍不住要抱怨的,poly實在是一種又臭又毒的材料,但是其灌注後的精準以及透明效果也讓我大大感動。我選擇從這張照片發展我這一系列的概念。其中有一個顏色非常深邃的三角形,似乎看不到背後的深度。周圍因為光線的反射而產生許多模糊的光影,旁邊又有一條極亮的線條與之對比。而整張照片由許多不完整的三角形封閉交疊而成,令人遐想其背後真正的空間關係。 令我開心的是很多人覺得這張照片有趣呢(笑)。
09 November, 2006
Canvas for Light - Achieving maximum effetcs within the minimal
06 November, 2006
Canvas for Light - Achieving maximum effetcs within the minimal
03 November, 2006
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